Дорогуша, ты и есть лжец, сидящий у огня
Is it strange that wherever you move, within about two hours of you unpacking your tea chests everybody knows?
Noel: "I know. It doesn’t annoy me in itself - it annoys me that they’ve got fuck all better to do with their lives than to write about his [Liam’s] wife. Or my girlfriend. I mean, fucking hell. Why don’t they write about me and him?"
[At this point, Liam becomes a permanent presence, pulling a chair to within inches of Noel, and establishing his place in the interview. By the end, the two of them are equal participants, laying on a display of how the partnership works during it’s more rosy phases. Liam dispenses a flurry of one-line contributions that often bring a conclusion to a subject. Noel supplies the verbal meat. He also becomes way more animated, playing for Liam’s laughs.]
Liam: "What was that you were saying?"
Noel: "Why don’t they write about me and you instead of your bird?"
Liam: "I get sick of it, me."
Noel: [Into tape recorder] "Birds are rubbish!"
Noel: "I know. It doesn’t annoy me in itself - it annoys me that they’ve got fuck all better to do with their lives than to write about his [Liam’s] wife. Or my girlfriend. I mean, fucking hell. Why don’t they write about me and him?"
[At this point, Liam becomes a permanent presence, pulling a chair to within inches of Noel, and establishing his place in the interview. By the end, the two of them are equal participants, laying on a display of how the partnership works during it’s more rosy phases. Liam dispenses a flurry of one-line contributions that often bring a conclusion to a subject. Noel supplies the verbal meat. He also becomes way more animated, playing for Liam’s laughs.]
Liam: "What was that you were saying?"
Noel: "Why don’t they write about me and you instead of your bird?"
Liam: "I get sick of it, me."
Noel: [Into tape recorder] "Birds are rubbish!"
Ноэли просто вулкан ))))))
Хотел бы поделиться с вами своим значимым опытом поиска рекомендуемого автосервиса в Оренбурге. После множества попыток, я наконец нашел то место, которым действительно остался доволен — AutoLife.
Что мне особенно понравилось в AutoLife, так это качество работы каждого специалиста этого сервиса. Мастера не только качественно и оперативно решили проблему с моим автомобилем, но и предоставили полезные рекомендации по его дальнейшему обслуживанию.
Мне кажется важным поделиться этой информацией с вами, так как знаю, насколько непросто порой найти действительно надежный сервис. Если вы ищете надежный автосервис в Оренбурге, рекомендую обратить внимание на AutoLife 56, расположенный по адресу: г. Оренбург, ул. Берёзка, 20, корп. 2. Они работают ежедневно с 10:00 до 20:00, и более подробную информацию вы можете найти на их сайте: https://autolife56.ru/.
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